Early bird promotion

Superior double bed and twin bed room offers a beautiful mountain view or ancient city view of Chiang Mai city and a wide range of amenities

  • Approx. Room Size

    24 sqm
  • Maximum Adults

    2 adults
  • Bed Type

    Double bed and Twin bed

Room Facilities

  • Air conditioning with temperature control
  • TV LCD 32”
  • Free WiFi
  • Kettle, tea / instant coffee snacks
  • 24hrs. cable television
  • Telephone
  • Hot/cold shower
  • Bathroom amenities and hair dryer
  • Bathrobe
  • Mini-refrigerator
  • Complimentary 2 drinking waters
  • Safety box
  • Hotel Slipper

Terms & Conditions

- Full Pre-payment must be received by the hotel no later than 7 days prior to the arrival date.
- Early Checkout: Unused room nights are not refundable for early departure. Extension of stay is subject to space and rate availability.
- This offer cannot be combined with any other offers

Ready to book?

Check-in: 2.00 pm Check-out: 12.00 noon

1,105.00 THB